Chef Chakall

We found out that Chef Chakall is a fan of Minigarden. As we admire him and know his reputation as an advocate of a carefully balanced and healthy diet, we asked him why he chose our systems to create his kitchen garden right next to his kitchen counters.   Why did you choose Minigarden? Because it meets all my needs, because it has an automatic irrigation system and due to its quality. As I travel a lot, I have little time to look after my plants, and with Minigarden my herbs don’t need much care and attention. Do you know of a similar system? With all the features of Minigarden, don’t know any. Where do you keep your Minigarden? I have two Minigarden Vertical systems, one in my Lisbon restaurant and the other at my house in Lisbon, which I also use as a studio to record my TV programmes and give my cookery lessons. What have you planted there? I have all kinds of herbs, lemon grass, parsley, coriander, lemon balm, etc. Was it easy to install and maintain? Very easy to install, and as I have an automatic irrigation system, it’s fantastic. How do you perform maintenance on your plants and your Minigardens? I don’t have to do almost anything; as it has an automatic drip-feed irrigation system suitable for each plant, I don’t have to worry. Do you have any special tricks for looking after your plants? If so, what are they? Yes, they love listening to Mendelssohn… What do you like the most and the least about Minigarden? I like everything, because it’s practical, clean...